“Street Garden” Literacy Grade 4, 5


Street Garden is a 3-page literacy teaching pack. Focus spelling of words with  -y endings of some verbs, such as ‘beautify’. Story about coming together to improve the street. Writing tasks follow.


Street Garden

Street Garden is a literacy pack for Grades 4 and 5. Target words are verbs ending in -y as in beautify and are underlined in the text.

Writing tasks follow: 

changing verbs to noun forms,
simple past tense of selected verbs,
working with adjectives.

Some Links :   “Dingo” Literacy Grade 4,   “Fairy in the Garden” Literacy Grade 4,  “Bertie and the Crocodile” Grades 5-6,   Upper Primary School, Page,    “First Silver Arrow” Literacy Grade 3, 4,  What’s On This Website

Suited to all teaching and learning situations, from small groups to classrooms. Like all items on this site, Street Garden is a ready-made lesson kit.