“Three States of Matter” Science Grade 4-5


Three States of Matter is a science literacy lesson pack for Grade 4 or 5. Kids learn to ‘think science’, so ice, water and steam translate to solid, liquid and gas. Self-contained with diagrams.


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Three States of Matter

Three States of Matter is a 3-page science and literacy item for Grades 4 or 5. Meets curriculum requirements in many jurisdictions.

Text introduces concepts of solids, liquids and gases.  Also included:

~graphics of unfamiliar items ie. a microscope and a thermometer,
~some science specific terms,
~review activities such as True or False and Pick the Right Answer,
   and a self-assessment.

Suits any teaching and learning situation. Text is suitable for this age group.

Some Links:  “Factors and Fractions” Maths Grade 4,   “Mushrooms and Moulds” Science Grade 4,   “Street Garden” Literacy Grade 4, 5,   “Windy Day” Literacy, Grades 3, 4,  Middle Primary School, Page.

Link:  Has three good diagrams. The text is too difficult so stick to the graphics: https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/state.html

Fair use/dealing claimed on illustrations.